Lesson 1: Relational Database Management Systems and Spatial Data
Database design
Database connections &Table joins
Spatial joins
Lesson 2: Spatial Analysis Using Vector Data
Geo-processing tools for vector analysis
Generating sampling grids
Multi-criterial analysis
Lesson 3: Basic Operations with Raster Data
Data Conversion tools: Raster, Vector, ASCII, KML
Generate digital models of elevation using vector data, ASCII and TIN files.
Querying and masking raster data for obtaining new information
Merging raster files
Lesson 4: Advanced Spatial Analysis Using Raster Data
Reclassify rasters, euclidean distances, boolean operations on layers, raster aggregation and data conversion
Map algebra (Raster calculator), mathematical operations between rasters, cell statistics
Data interpolation techniques (IDW, kriging, natural neighbour)
Contour, slope, hill shade, aspect and visibility maps
Hydrological study: drainage networks, flow direction, watershed basins, catchment areas
Multicriteria raster analysis, basic concepts and weights (the most important component of the MCDA model), weighted layers’ combination, non-compensatory analysis, least cost path analysis.
Lesson 5: 3D Visualization
Convert 2D data to 3D data
Generate 3D profiles
3D Visualisation of raster and vector data
Map animations
Lesson 6: Network Analysis Using pgRouting
Graph Generation
Routing calculations with the QGIS
Lesson 7: Python Programming Language (PYQGIS)
Variables, data types, reserved words, operations to perform